Happy first blog of 2020! I don’t know how you feel, but when I write 2020…it seems like it’s so far in the future! I mean after all, I grew up in the decade when we were going to “party like it’s 1999!!”
I made a decision many years ago, to avoid making resolutions. I found that rarely did I keep them, which just resulted in my feeling like a failure and beating myself up. So instead, my family and I began setting goals. We would come together during a January 1st family meeting and share our goals in the areas of heart, soul, mind and strength. I can’t say that my children have participated in the last few years as they’ve become adults, but I still try to embrace the idea and develop goals in those four areas.

Even though goal setting feels better and more likely to happen for me, I am ashamed to admit that I still have not accomplished my strength goal for the last ten years, which is to run a 5K. I know….not that lofty of a goal….but I hate running. I just love the idea of accomplishing something that I loathe so much. And all of the pictures of people who run races seem inspiring to me. They look happy and proud and fit. I have all of the tools – cute workout clothes, decent running shoes, a couch to 5K app, a running playlist, and an insulated water bottle. The only thing missing from me accomplishing my goal is my will to start somewhere. I don’t want to start at the place where I run out of breath 30 seconds in or where I have to develop some blisters to get my feet accustomed to a longer distance. I want to start at the place where I can run for three miles with ease and still look amazing for the photo op finish. In other words, I want the outcome, but I don’t want the work. I want to be an expert, not a beginner. I want to be good at it, I don’t want to suck….even for a few weeks. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has ever had a dream or a goal that was never accomplished because it was never started. I’ll bet you have a dream in your heart right now that simply needs your willingness to start….where you are.
2019 taught me so many things, but the greatest lesson I learned is that everyone has to be a beginner at some point. Even the most experienced experts and most accomplished talents all had a moment when they simply started. Even though I have so far to go to do all the things I dream of doing, I can look back at where I was this time last year and see so many small victories and reasons to celebrate. Maybe I didn’t run the race, but I consistently wrote a blog, developed a website, started a podcast and launched a business. I had absolutely no idea how to do any of those things a couple of years ago….but once I stepped out in faith and took the first step, God has continued to open new doors of opportunity to help steer me on the path He has for me. And with every small victory I’m realizing that God wants me to dream bigger….beyond what seems possible for me….but I know “nothing is impossible for God!” (Matthew 19:26).
Can I just encourage you today? If God has planted a dream in your heart that persists and never seems to go away….He’s likely waiting on you to get moving. Do something…..even if it’s the wrong thing. Don’t be afraid to be a beginner….and don’t be afraid to be really bad at it….for a while. You can totally do it!!
My God sized dream for this year (apart from that blasted 5K) is to help others discover their own unique gifts, personalities and love languages so that they are able to serve God and love others better. Through workshops, series, podcasts, blogs and whatever other ways God ordains, I hope to share the message that we are all created differently, yet all created to live and love together peacefully (Romans 12:18). I hope within my small circle of influence to help spread some kindness. I would love to be able to cheer you on in your God sized dream!! Be sure to subscribe to the blog and follow my Facebook business page (Stephani Cook, Life Coach, Speaker, Writer) for upcoming events and ways to join me this year and share your dreams with me. I’d love to hear them!!
Happy New Year to all of you! Stay tuned for updates on the 5K progress…..or lack thereof. LOL!!